Monday, December 21, 2009

Increase your Impressions

The strategy in place at Tate Music Group to market and promote an artist has a lot to do with increasing the artists impressions. TMG is able to do this based around events. Which is why it is important that the artist communicate with their TMG Marketing Rep regarding any and all performances scheduled (big or small).

Impressions are references to the artist, album or single. Tate Music group increases an artists impressions by sending out press releases and media blitzes about two weeks prior to all events listed on the artists calendar. These impressions hit a 50 mile radius of where the event is scheduled to take place. TMG notifies all media (TV, Radio, Newspapers, magazines...) of the event and the artist, hoping to draw published highlights. I tell the artists I represent that the more these news makers see your name the more likely they are to print the story.

Tate Music Group has added another avenue to increase the number of impressions an artist can receive by the new video commercials we are now producing, designing and airing on major music TV networks. This gives an artist optimal opportunities to create a buzz around every single event they play.

As you can see utilizing TMG's marketing strategy of creating multiple impressions over a long relationship with TMG is beneficial and gives the artist the best opportunity for success. Our business plan and contract illustrates that Tate Music Group is interested in creating a long term commitment to developing a music strategy. Overall with all things considered this is the absolute best opportunity for the artist and the label. Everyone wins!

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