Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Justin Bieber Label Support

I want to start this blog off with a disclaimer so people know that I am not sitting around listening to Justin Bieber songs and watching YouTube videos all day long. I happened to catch a special this morning before heading into work that I found interesting titled "Justin Bieber, My World" on E.

It was interesting because some established artists believe that Bieber is probably the last discovered talent (by a label) that will happen in the music industry. The industry is changing so much and so many platforms are avaialable that artists do not need label support in the same way that they used too.

One of the comments Justins manager made was that everyone in the music industry knows that your label doesn't kick in until you have something going on. Keep in mind that they are signed by Island Def Jam. This is a great point to make about industry norm and the Tate Music Group model. TMG will help our artist promote, distribute and market their album from the start. Regardless if you have 1 event booked or 1000. Our marketing staff works with you to increase your exposure by helping publicize the events you have, securing promotional materials, partnering to book events and giving you the label support you need.

It is probably safe to say that everyone knows Bieber was an internet sensation. After signing with Def Jam his manager and mom started posting videos of him singing, interacting and performing. They wanted to use the internet to make it seem like the fans discovered Bieber. By the time he released his album he already had a fan base. The rest is history.

Again I mention this because it is an interesting piece and talks in depth about using the internet to market music. They didn't poor a bunch of money into it at all. Literally they posted a bunch of home videos that captured an audience. Anyone can use that marketing approach.

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